Thursday, March 22, 2007

C.B. Perkins Yahoo Group!

We have just launched a Yahoo Group!

What's the big deal, you ask?

Well, we get lots of great used instruments and amps coming through our store, and sometimes we have stuff that we just want to clear out at incredible prices. We usually put this stuff on eBay, but we would love to give our customers a heads up on it first. We also wanted a spam-free way to let people who are interested know about events and new things going on at the shop. This blog is one way to do that, but the Yahoo group is an additional way that we can communicate with you.

How will it work? When we get used items in, we will post a message on the Yahoo group. If you are interested, email us or call us, and you can purchase it. That's it!

Want to join? Well here ya go:

Click here to join cbperkinsusedstuff
Click to join cbperkinsusedstuff